Seminars and conferences

3rd International Symposium on Animal Feed Processing

Nov. 1-3 2018, Tianjin, China

On November 2nd 2018, Thomas Munk from Agro Engineering, was invited to hold a speach on the 3rd International Symposium on Animal Feed Processing.

The speach had the titel: Smart fish and petfood production process, now and future.

Official Danish Business delegation to Nigeria

Nov. 26-27 2017, Abuja, Nigeria

On November 26-27th 2017, Agro Engineering participated in the Danish Business delegation in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Danish delegation was lead by the Danish Minister of Environment and Agriculture, Mr. Esben Lunde Larsen.

During the 2 days a number of danish and nigerian companies and government official, presented their business approach to strengthen the coorperation between the companies from the 2 countries.


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DK - 7100 Vejle

Tel: +45 2222 6888